
  1. T

    FT Variety of HA Pokemen for a HA Tyrunt (PKMN SM)

    My 3DS friend code: 1736-5686-8422 Any chance somebody reading this can trade a Tyrunt with Sturdy ability? I've got several Hidden Ability Poke's to offer you Eevee w/ Anticipation Gible w/ Rough Skin Goomy w/ Gooey Snivy w/ Contrary Skrelp w/ Adaptability Cutiefly w/ Sweet veil Fletchling w/...
  2. callum

    Looking to trade my competitive Gible

    Hey I'm looking to trade my competitive Gible, born in alola region with egg moves and 5ivs all expect special attack, interested in anything really as long as it's competitive
  3. MetaRaven135

    Closed Looking for HA Gible/Gabite/Garchomp

    So, as the title says, I'm looking to buy anything from the Gible line with the ability Rough Skin. This is the only attribute I absolutely need, but if you can offer any of the following, I'd be even more happy: Female Jolly nature 0 EVs No nickname I'd also prefer legit mons over genned mons...
  4. A

    Looking for Specific Pokemon, Will trade 5IV pokemon

    5/6IV Adamant Gible with Rough Skin 5/6 IV Mareanie with Regenerator 5/6 IV Snorlax with Gluttony 5/6 IV Politoed with Drizzle 5/6 I/V Comfey with Triage Adamant Beldum Can Trade: 5IV/Almost 6IV Mareanie Torkoal Gastly Oranguru Gible Mimikkyu Let me know :) FC - 1521 - 7602 - 9295
  5. M

    Trade Completed 5IV Gibles, Will trade legendaries.

    Hi! New to Perfect Pokémon and I thought why not try it out. So like the title, I'm looking for 2 Jolly Gibles. 1 male and 1 female, both have to have the hidden ability 'Rough Skin,' 5IVs 31/31/31/XX/31/31, egg moves 'Iron Head,' 'Outrage,' and 'Sand Tomb.' For these two, I will be happy to...
  6. Bandit Hadron

    Trade Completed Sp.Def, Sp.Atk IV Larvesta

    Have to trade for the Larvesta: Def, Spd, HP IV Chespin. And some legendaries, if you're looking for 'em. Wouldn't mind an HP IV in there too on that Larvesta :)
  7. L

    Looking for bred Dragons

    Hello everyone! I usually save my best pokemon and then start all over again with a new themed team. RIght now I'm about to go on a 6 dragon pokemon dream team since the start, that's why I'm looking for the fllowing: 1. Natural Cure Timid Altaria 2. Rough Skin Impish Gible 3. Rock Head...