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1st Pokemon GO Youtube video
Hello guys! I am happy to announce that I have made my first Pokemon Go video. Wooh! This features the magnemite and voltorb nest in the Philippines. In this video, I saw many rare pokemons as well, like pikachus and elektabuzz. Please watch the video :) Here is the link: I'm sorry if this...- Orange_Ash
- Thread
- elektabuzz magnemite nests philippines pikachu pokemon go rare tutorial video voltorb
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Pokemon Go
LF Omanyte with HA, etc.
Hello, I'm new around here. All I'm really looking for is an omanyte with HA (weak armor), iv's, egg moves, and natures don't matter but will be much appreciated. Here are some pokes i'm willing to drop for such an omanyte: Rayquaza (Shiny) @Lvl. 70 Docile Nature Dragon Ascent Dragon Claw...- thermidore
- Thread
- hidden ability magnemite omanyte
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet