
  1. C

    LF Hidden Ability Mareanie

    I am trying to get into doubles recently, so I don't have much to trade. You can ask and maybe I'll have something random. Thanks.
  2. E

    Need HA Mareanie Like So Many Others.

    Anyone willing to trade any of their spare HA Mareanie to me? Could it be a male in a pokeball? Not sure if I have anything you need but if you can spare one that would be nice. Please let me know if anyone of you can . Thanks in advance. Sorry to be a bother. My Friend Code: 2509-2348-4204
  3. A

    Looking for Specific Pokemon, Will trade 5IV pokemon

    5/6IV Adamant Gible with Rough Skin 5/6 IV Mareanie with Regenerator 5/6 IV Snorlax with Gluttony 5/6 IV Politoed with Drizzle 5/6 I/V Comfey with Triage Adamant Beldum Can Trade: 5IV/Almost 6IV Mareanie Torkoal Gastly Oranguru Gible Mimikkyu Let me know :) FC - 1521 - 7602 - 9295
  4. EdXerath

    LF Looking for HA Mareanie and 5 IV Poke list to trade too

    UPDATE: I got the Mareanie already but if you wanna trade high IVs or HA Pokes for mine let me know too! Hey guys! I'm trying so hard to get a Maeranie with HA but looks like an impossible job. I've been breeding a lot lately and I have the following Pokemon to trade for a HA Maeranie: - 5 IV...
  5. H

    LF Castform

    I could breed and offer something of your choice, Dratini, Carvanha, Vanillite, Bruxish, Mareanie, Alomomola, Relicanth, Chinchou or a Goomy . Unless I'm mistaken and any of these can't breed.
  6. Serenity Cassel

    LF Female Timid/Modest Salandit, HA Vanilluxe Line(only one of the line), and/or Slush Rush Cubchoo

    I can breed a HA 5iv alolan vulpix along with egg moves moonblast and encore, or get a normal alolan sandshrew, I can breed a merciless mareanie, I have the Moon exclusive Ultra beasts, and can breed my starter, i also have other pokemon hear and there