
  1. shyguy74

    shiny female ralts

    Anyone offering a shiny female ralts to trade?
  2. Incognito187

    Lf Ralts with Hyper Voice

    nature and Ivs don’t matter I am willing to give a shiny pikipek or a shiny pelipper My FC is 2767-1972-7861
  3. S

    Closed Battle Points Items for sell.

    Any item you can buy in the battle resort. Prices from 60PC (Minimum cost stated in the rules) to 200PC 2BP Items not. 16BP=60PC 32BP=75PC 48BP=100PC 200BP=200PC All of the items are legally obtained in game. First 30 items are sent in a Female HA(Telepathy) Ralts
  4. K

    LF Looking for Shiny Female Ralts

    Like the title says, I'm looking for a shiny female Ralts. I have a shiny MALE ralts for trade.
  5. FlarePKMN

    Closed Buying assorted order! (some shiny)

    Hey there! I'm totally new to all this... but I figure I can throw them out and hope for the best. ^^; Pokémon: Sentret Shiny: No (Normal) Level: 1-10 Gender: Male Ball: Poké Ball Nature: Adamant Ability: Frisk Moves: Anything! Pokémon: Ralts Shiny: Yes (Shiny) Level: 1-10 Gender: Male Ball...
  6. pr0guy

    Active LF Shiny Male Ralts (Atk increasing nature preferred)

    Just as title says. Leave an offer, but don't offer BS. I know how much these cost.
  7. Bandit Hadron

    FT 6IV Ralts - LF 6IV Ditto / Other 6IV Pokes

    Nature: Modest Ability: Trace Gender: Male Moves: Growl, Confuse Ray Post here if you want to offer. I'm mostly looking for good pokemon from other egg groups, or a Ditto if anyone is willing to offer. I'll also take 60PC.
  8. B

    LF Shiny Female Ralts or it's evolutions

    As the title says I'm looking for a ralts. In exchange I'll give a 6Iv Shiny Lucario if the ralts has 5 or 6 IVs. If not then I'll give a shiny Golurk instead. Lucario Info. Golurk Info Lvl 58 Lvl 89 Male Genderless OT: Pudd...
  9. Jaymee_Murder

    LF Hi IV HA Foongus - Trading Hi IV mons listed

    Preferably looking for a female foongus with regen and a cool ball like a safari ball, mons im trading (with egg moves): tyrunt male jolly sturdy (ha) hp,att,def,spdef,spe dragon dance + fangs slowpoke females modest regen hp,def,spatt,spdef,max spe or 0 spe and has future sight bagon female...
  10. Jaymee_Murder

    LF Leftovers - Trading 5 iv pokemon. Tyrunt, Ralts, Gastly ...

    Looking for leftovers, 5iv pokemon im trading listed below :) Many have egg moves 1x tyrunt male jolly sturdy hp,att,def,spdef,spe 1x electrike female timid lightning rod hp,def,spatt,spdef,spe 2x ralts male/female timid trace hp,def,spatt,spdef,spe in moon ballz 1x gastly male timid levitate...
  11. Jaymee_Murder

    FT Breedjects and 5iv mons including Ha Tyrunts, Ha Skrelps, Goomys ETC

    Hi im new and have loads of backed up pokemon from breeding to trade, ive listed them below :) Friend code is: 0920-0830-0633, IGN is Jamie Trading lv1 breedjects mostly high ivs with ems: tyrunts jolly *sturdy* (rare HA) goomy modest sap sipper in heal balls skrelp modest adaptability solosis...
  12. keechy2

    Seaching for shiny Female Ralts

    G'day people, this is my first time using this so im pretty new to this, but anyway straight to the point, I'm looking for a Shiny Female Ralts, preferibly between the levels 1-10, i use to have a shiny 100 Gardevoir but i lost my OR and with me being autsic i pretty much had a hard time getting...
  13. HeliosAlpha

    Shiny Female Ralts, Kirlia, or Gardevoir

    Hey! I need serious help! I can't seem to find a shiny to save my life, much less get the one I want. The only shiny I have is a Female Gyrados, but I'm pretty much willing to trade anything requested if within my power. I have a few perfect IV Ralts from my attempts if wanted as well.
  14. Robotthecrazy

    Active 6Iv ralts for sale

    So I have some 6Iv ralts for 20PC each they are Level 1 Nature lax Gender 1 of each Ability synchronize Level 1 Nature modest Gender male Ability synchronize Level 1 Nature modest Gender 1 of each Ability trace Level 1 Nature sassy Gender male Ability synchronize Level 1 Nature serious...