
  1. T

    FT Variety of HA Pokemen for a HA Tyrunt (PKMN SM)

    My 3DS friend code: 1736-5686-8422 Any chance somebody reading this can trade a Tyrunt with Sturdy ability? I've got several Hidden Ability Poke's to offer you Eevee w/ Anticipation Gible w/ Rough Skin Goomy w/ Gooey Snivy w/ Contrary Skrelp w/ Adaptability Cutiefly w/ Sweet veil Fletchling w/...
  2. Ndukz

    L>Spare Skrelp w/adaptability

    Can anyone help me with a spare skrelp with adaptability? Imperfect ivs are fine, ideally male Just posting this with hope that a nice donor can help me out haha Thanks! Ndukz
  3. Angelshade

    LF Shiny Skrelp

    Preffered level 1, can offer a 6 IV modest skrelp or most other correct nature 6iv pokes, pm me. Also, the skrelp i am offering has the toxic spikes egg move.
  4. Jaymee_Murder

    FT Breedjects and 5iv mons including Ha Tyrunts, Ha Skrelps, Goomys ETC

    Hi im new and have loads of backed up pokemon from breeding to trade, ive listed them below :) Friend code is: 0920-0830-0633, IGN is Jamie Trading lv1 breedjects mostly high ivs with ems: tyrunts jolly *sturdy* (rare HA) goomy modest sap sipper in heal balls skrelp modest adaptability solosis...