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ultra beast
Need Ultra Sun beasts, will trade Ultra moon beasts (or requests)
I need Kartana, Buzzwole and Blacephalon. I have celesteela, pheromosa and stakataka. I have the rest of the alolan dex as well, can trade for any of those. (No shiny or legendaries)- Guy_Deadly
- Thread
- ultra beast ultra sun
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
USUM Is just around the corner! What are you most excited about?
After a few months Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the last 3ds games that are going out with a bang, are just around the corner. At first I wasn't very hyped for it. But over time the game caught my attention. I'm really excited about all the villains and legendaries from previous games, and all the...- Scarful
- Thread
- gen 7 sun & moon sun and moon ultra beast ultra beasts
- Replies: 0
- Forum: General Chat
Trade Completed S/M UB Trade to complete Pokedex
Perma trade not needed but preferable. (What I mean is not a trade where we send the UBs back to the other after trading them, but we can still do this just not preferably.) I have Pokemon Sun and I'm in need of the Moon UBs so Im hoping to trade with someone as so: My Buzzwole - Your Pheromosa...- Toombe
- Thread
- buzzwole celesteela kartana pheromosa sun and moon trade ultra beast
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
LF Female Timid/Modest Salandit, HA Vanilluxe Line(only one of the line), and/or Slush Rush Cubchoo
I can breed a HA 5iv alolan vulpix along with egg moves moonblast and encore, or get a normal alolan sandshrew, I can breed a merciless mareanie, I have the Moon exclusive Ultra beasts, and can breed my starter, i also have other pokemon hear and there- Serenity Cassel
- Thread
- alolan sandshrew breeder celesteela mareanie pheremosa popplio ultra beast
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet