ultra beast

  1. G

    Need Ultra Sun beasts, will trade Ultra moon beasts (or requests)

    I need Kartana, Buzzwole and Blacephalon. I have celesteela, pheromosa and stakataka. I have the rest of the alolan dex as well, can trade for any of those. (No shiny or legendaries)
  2. Scarful

    USUM Is just around the corner! What are you most excited about?

    After a few months Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the last 3ds games that are going out with a bang, are just around the corner. At first I wasn't very hyped for it. But over time the game caught my attention. I'm really excited about all the villains and legendaries from previous games, and all the...
  3. T

    Trade Completed S/M UB Trade to complete Pokedex

    Perma trade not needed but preferable. (What I mean is not a trade where we send the UBs back to the other after trading them, but we can still do this just not preferably.) I have Pokemon Sun and I'm in need of the Moon UBs so Im hoping to trade with someone as so: My Buzzwole - Your Pheromosa...
  4. Serenity Cassel

    LF Female Timid/Modest Salandit, HA Vanilluxe Line(only one of the line), and/or Slush Rush Cubchoo

    I can breed a HA 5iv alolan vulpix along with egg moves moonblast and encore, or get a normal alolan sandshrew, I can breed a merciless mareanie, I have the Moon exclusive Ultra beasts, and can breed my starter, i also have other pokemon hear and there