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6 IV breeds


Youngster Joey
Hello everyone!
As most of you probably know, is that there is a terrible trend out there of selling cheated, hacked or cloned pokemon for the full price of for example a shiny legendary. To counter this problem I thought to start a community shop on just a simple idea: to get all breedable lvl1 6 iv pokémon in one place to search.
I myself got lots of lvl perfect pokemon bred by me. And I imagine that a good amount of people do so too.
if you're interested, just say so, while I start setting up the shop.
(While new here, I believe it is common practise to just make an excel like file as shop?)


Pokémon Trainer
Hey! It's me from the other shop! :D We might be able to help each other out sometime exchanging pokemons :). The excel file sounds like a great idea, however I suggest you do that when you have a lot of pokemons ready for breeding already.

Overall I'd say more ppl should Buy NON-cheated pokemons since it makes the game more fun for a longer time. (in my oppinion)


Youngster Joey
Hey! It's me from the other shop! :D We might be able to help each other out sometime exchanging pokemons :). The excel file sounds like a great idea, however I suggest you do that when you have a lot of pokemons ready for breeding already.

Overall I'd say more ppl should Buy NON-cheated pokemons since it makes the game more fun for a longer time. (in my oppinion)

How do you even determine if a Pokemon is legit shiny on XY and ORAS? Seems impossible to do so, and everyone else can claim that their pokemon are legit.


Pokémon Trainer
How do you even determine if a Pokemon is legit shiny on XY and ORAS? Seems impossible to do so, and everyone else can claim that their pokemon are legit.
Well, the thing is, you don't see if they're cheated if you battle them. But Im pretty sure you'll know some1 has done something to obtain a full team of perfect shiny pokemon. I mean don't get me wrong here. There are still a few out that that have actually grinded the pokemons themselves. But 6 perfect 6IV shiny pokemons in one team is not very likely.

It might also be me that I seem to encounter a lot of those ppl in random battles (with full shiny team).

As you could read in my post though, I mentioned that to me it's more fun playing with legit pokemons. It's my personal oppinion. I don't mind it when other ppl have cheated pokemons as long as they're not cheated in a way where they're stronger than a normal legit pokemon could be.

I have used cheats in games before and found out that it ruins the game. (think about cheating in money on GTA to be able to buy everything instantly). There is no fun in actually obtaining the item if you do it that way. You also get bored of the game very quickly if you already have everything.

Every1 should do what they want the most, I wont stop any1 from buying pokemons that might not be legit. Besides, It's very logical to not feel like running around an island breeding pokemons for hours untill you get that 1 pokemon you're looking for.

I get your point though :)


Youngster Joey
Well, the thing is, you don't see if they're cheated if you battle them. But Im pretty sure you'll know some1 has done something to obtain a full team of perfect shiny pokemon. I mean don't get me wrong here. There are still a few out that that have actually grinded the pokemons themselves. But 6 perfect 6IV shiny pokemons in one team is not very likely.

It might also be me that I seem to encounter a lot of those ppl in random battles (with full shiny team).

As you could read in my post though, I mentioned that to me it's more fun playing with legit pokemons. It's my personal oppinion. I don't mind it when other ppl have cheated pokemons as long as they're not cheated in a way where they're stronger than a normal legit pokemon could be.

I have used cheats in games before and found out that it ruins the game. (think about cheating in money on GTA to be able to buy everything instantly). There is no fun in actually obtaining the item if you do it that way. You also get bored of the game very quickly if you already have everything.

Every1 should do what they want the most, I wont stop any1 from buying pokemons that might not be legit. Besides, It's very logical to not feel like running around an island breeding pokemons for hours untill you get that 1 pokemon you're looking for.

I get your point though :)

Totally get your point too, as I was against cloning, not to mention, PokeGen/Powersaves. But since the whole world is abusing the use of such devices, people who breed legit shinies lose out, so there isn't really any point to keep this going actually. A for effort though, for this initiative.

