I could breed one for you but give me until friday b/c i have a busy schedule but i'll let you know if i finish early, what i want in return is the scyther (adamant) with technician. and do you have a female one of that poke?
I would prefer to trade since I am new and don't have many PCs, so Rotom it is. Can I get the Scraggy HA 5IV -SpA Careful with EMs Dragon Dance, Fake Out, Quick Guard, and Drain Punch? It doesn't have to be shiny unless it is not too much work, but I'm already asking for a lot of details so I don't mind.
I could breed one for you but give me until friday b/c i have a busy schedule but i'll let you know if i finish early, what i want in return is the scyther (adamant) with technician. and do you have a female one of that poke?
I would prefer to trade since I am new and don't have many PCs, so Rotom it is. Can I get the Scraggy HA 5IV -SpA Careful with EMs Dragon Dance, Fake Out, Quick Guard, and Drain Punch? It doesn't have to be shiny unless it is not too much work, but I'm already asking for a lot of details so I don't mind.