Just a newb question on selling Mons XD


Youngster Joey
So I just finished my dex and I have some Mons I'm willing to sell, mostly dex fillers but I do have some 4, 5, one or two 6 iv Pokemon and a shiny or two and a few legandaries/ultra beast. Just wondering what's the general asking price for Mons like that? I wanna sell to get some PC so I can buy some custom Mons and masuda dittos but I dont want to overprice my Mons, I wanna sell them quick and easy so I can get to working on my team so if anyone can give me a general idea what would be fair to ask that would be most appreciated, thanks all!


Pokémon Champion
The set minimum selling price for any item or pokemon is 60 PC. Its up to you and what you think your pokemon are worth. You can sell the 3-4iv for the 60 PC, while the shiny for 65-70pc and the 5-6iv any other price. This is just an idea you dont have to use these prices. Hope it helps


Youngster Joey
Yeah definitely, Like I said total newb so thanks! XD I was thinking about pricing them around 50pc to 75pc so looks like I wasn't to far off. Anyway once again thanks for your help!

