Looking for Lapras with freeze dry, modest at least 4 IV and water absorb! Thank you
jyongcho98 Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 2, 2015 #1 Looking for Lapras with freeze dry, modest at least 4 IV and water absorb! Thank you
GiaQuando The Great Tactician Will Not Fall Trusted Seller Donor Friendzilla Smaug Iron Will Dex Contributor Credits 3 Jun 3, 2015 #2 I have a Lapras with 3 or 4IV with water absorb but without freeze dry
Rocket Grunt Trever Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 6, 2015 #3 I just got a water absorb lapras with freeze dry in a breedject swap. It only has 2IVs though, I could breed to get a better one if you'd like. I'm looking for a hidden ability goomy and hidden ability torchic. Do you have either of those?
I just got a water absorb lapras with freeze dry in a breedject swap. It only has 2IVs though, I could breed to get a better one if you'd like. I'm looking for a hidden ability goomy and hidden ability torchic. Do you have either of those?
Anish Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 6, 2015 #4 Hey Grunt. I got a HA torchic ready if u want, for that Lapras.
Rocket Grunt Trever Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 6, 2015 #5 jyongcho98 said: Looking for Lapras with freeze dry, modest at least 4 IV and water absorb! Thank you Click to expand... I still have one with 3 IVs if you want it.
jyongcho98 said: Looking for Lapras with freeze dry, modest at least 4 IV and water absorb! Thank you Click to expand... I still have one with 3 IVs if you want it.