Looking For A Krookodile at least 5iv and moxie. A Hydregion 5 iv And a Goodra 5iv sap sipper.
Brooks8955 Youngster Joey Credits 20 Dec 2, 2015 #1 Looking For A Krookodile at least 5iv and moxie. A Hydregion 5 iv And a Goodra 5iv sap sipper.
K Krelbit Guest Dec 2, 2015 #2 I can get you custom pokemon at 100PC Each, or 500 for 6. Contact me if you're interested in any way.
I can get you custom pokemon at 100PC Each, or 500 for 6. Contact me if you're interested in any way.
BlazingInfernape Pokémon Champion Team Elite Credits 30 Dec 3, 2015 #3 I can get you them for 100pc each or 300pc for 6. Drop me a PM if interested. I am GMT and won't really be available from 6pm GMT onwards until the next day. If i'm not on just comment on my thread (In my signature)
I can get you them for 100pc each or 300pc for 6. Drop me a PM if interested. I am GMT and won't really be available from 6pm GMT onwards until the next day. If i'm not on just comment on my thread (In my signature)