Offering free VGC tutoring, training, sparing, ect


Pokémon Trainer
I would like to share my love to share my love of pokemon with you!
I have enjoyed playing traditional pokemon and having pokemon battles for 20+years so I would like to expand my own abilities and anyone else's who would like legitimate help with training for vgc. I have been competitive battling for a while now when I have time so I would like to share my knowledge with anyone looking to enter the arena of competitive pokemon battling, current vgc formats.
I can also share breeding tips and honest views on pokemon based on my years of playing. Such as general knowledge many others may not have concluded on their own.

Please note: I am subject to mistakes and general wrongness. I am far from perfect, but I will not lie to you and will let you know when I'm not 100% sure of a subject. Aka my *theories"
*the purpose of this thread is to provide vgc training to all quasar members and anyone looking to practice*


Pokémon Champion
Dex Contributor
I've been looking for a way to get into this more so I would love some tips if possible

