Hello, i'm a bit of a newb in this website since I just came across it yesterday. It looks like it's all legit and fun. So if I may ask, is anyone able to help me out getting an oval charm? I've been wondertrading for quite a bit and it's gotten some of the game exclusive pokemon. All I need now is the 3 regis, latios, a groudon.
All I need is someone to help me register them in my pokedex, i'll trading them back! For groudon, i'll trade in my kyogre so you know it's legit and my latias for the latios. If you'll be trading them back then i'll be doing the same. As for the regis, I know I can encounter them but I plan on getting their shinies so if anyone is able to help me out those as well then it would be very awesome if you did.
Sorry i'm very new at this so if i mess something up please tell me. Friend Code: 4141 - 6524 - 5757 (IGN: Kyle)
Thank you so much in advance!
All I need is someone to help me register them in my pokedex, i'll trading them back! For groudon, i'll trade in my kyogre so you know it's legit and my latias for the latios. If you'll be trading them back then i'll be doing the same. As for the regis, I know I can encounter them but I plan on getting their shinies so if anyone is able to help me out those as well then it would be very awesome if you did.
Sorry i'm very new at this so if i mess something up please tell me. Friend Code: 4141 - 6524 - 5757 (IGN: Kyle)
Thank you so much in advance!