Hey guys is this working to buy a paysafecard then change it in paypal money? cause i found somting on the net and i really want some good pokemons and trusted sellers here?
Who's one of the best sellers? thank u
Hey guys is this working to buy a paysafecard then change it in paypal money? cause i found somting on the net and i really want some good pokemons and trusted sellers here?
Who's one of the best sellers? thank u
I'm not sure on what Paysafecard is, so if you can explain it somewhat to where i can help. But we do not sell pokemon from user to user for real money, we use Pokecredits or PC for short which is explained
. As of trusted sellers, anyone in the forums that has a "Trusted Sellers Ribbon" Similar to how i have my moderator ribbon for being a moderator would be trustworthy. I'd check the Buy/Sell PerfectPokemon Sub Forum pretty much anyone with a Stickied thread is trustworthy in there.