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Closed Pokemon Auction

Rias Gremory

Pokémon Trainer
There will be multiple things for members to bid one. The bid for all of them start at 60 pc. Bids must be a minimum of 10 pc from the last bid. Please leave feedback if you are a winner. These will last for 7 days and end at 9:00 pm EST.

Space 1: Sun team
Current Winner: dustin berglund
PC Bid amount:170 PC

Space 2: Sun team 2
Current Winner: cj-97
PC bid amount:200 PC

Space 3: Bulky Offensive team
Current Winner: Megazard-x
PC Bid Amount:170 PC

Space 4: 3 br pokemon(shiny)
Current Winner: Saya Kisaragi
PC bid amount:400 PC

Space 5: 3 br pokemon(non-shiny)
Current Winner: Chad22
PC bid amount:150 PC

Space 6: 2 br legendary(shiny)
Current Winner: Saya Kisaragi
PC Bid amount:400 PC

Space 7: 3 br legendary(non-shiny)
Current Winner:Chad22
PC bid amount:150 PC
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Rias Gremory

Pokémon Trainer
Space 1: Sun team
Current Winner: @dustin berglund
PC Bid amount:170 PC

Space 2: Sun team 2
Current Winner: @cj-97
PC bid amount:200 PC

Space 3: Bulky Offensive team
Current Winner: @Megazard-X
PC Bid Amount:170 PC

Space 4: 3 br pokemon(shiny)
Current Winner: @Saya Kisaragi
PC bid amount:400 PC

Space 5: 3 br pokemon(non-shiny)
Current Winner: @Chad22
PC bid amount:150 PC

Space 6: 2 br legendary(shiny)
Current Winner: @Saya Kisaragi
PC Bid amount:400 PC

Space 7: 3 br legendary(non-shiny)
Current Winner: @Chad22
PC bid amount:150 PC

I won;t be able to clone the pokemon today but you will recieve your pokemon tomorrow. You can send in your pc now if you wish.

@Saya Kisaragi sent her pc in.
@Megazard-X sent his pc in
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