looking to trade my shiny gengar, garchomp, hitmonchan and mawile
im after, shiny chesnaught bulletproof, shiny rotom with decent evs, shiny gardevoir with either trace or telepathy, shiny excadrill with moldbreaker and adamant, shiny azumarill with huge power and adamant
may be willing to trade my timid shiny noivern with infiltrate also, if you want more info on my pokemon please enquire within
im after, shiny chesnaught bulletproof, shiny rotom with decent evs, shiny gardevoir with either trace or telepathy, shiny excadrill with moldbreaker and adamant, shiny azumarill with huge power and adamant
may be willing to trade my timid shiny noivern with infiltrate also, if you want more info on my pokemon please enquire within