Unpopular Pokémon opinions.


Pokémon Champion
So I saw this on Pokemon Reddit and I'm wondering what are some of your unpopular Pokémon opinions.

Remember, please respect everyone's opinion, as everyone has a right to their opinion.

For me:

Sun/Moon's "hand holding" didn't bother me as much as other games

You can never have enough Fire/Fighting pokemon.

Dragon type is overrated.


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
Legendaries aren't unfair: I mean, some obviously are (cover legendaries, certain event mons, etc), but for the most part legendaries and mythics are about on par with the rest of Pokemon and really only have high BSTs to fall back on.

The fire type gets too much love: Don't get me wrong, I love me some Fire types every now and then, but the attention they get is insane. Charizard was given 2 megas, fire gyms always going in at the end of a game and even the insane amount of love for fire in general is a little off to me.


Pokémon Champion

    Gym Badges

might be a little late, but I think ultra beasts look awful and they ruin the simplistic aesthetic of the game. Also, I think a lot of sprites look better than the 3D models.


Pokémon Trainer
I think gen 4 and 5 are by far the worst games ever,minus a few pokemon that are legit cool, dialga, shaymin, reuniclus, volcarona, and zebstrika, most of the pokemon should be wiped off the games and just not exist, I've seen fakemon that are better thought of.


Youngster Joey
With the starters and the fire fighting thing, I can deal. But what I'm sick of is all the humanoid pokemon. I know sone of those are a lot of peoples favorites but I'm sick of them. ALL fire type starters are bipedal. Typhloshan being the closest to 4 legged. Then all these fan favs are human like pokemon. Lucario, gardivoir, blazikin, gengar, and they're cool but I want more beasts! More wild four legged beasts please.

I am going to go nuts if the next Gen has a bipedal fire type. All other types have had at least one four legged final evo.


Pokémon Trainer
With the starters and the fire fighting thing, I can deal. But what I'm sick of is all the humanoid pokemon. I know sone of those are a lot of peoples favorites but I'm sick of them. ALL fire type starters are bipedal. Typhloshan being the closest to 4 legged. Then all these fan favs are human like pokemon. Lucario, gardivoir, blazikin, gengar, and they're cool but I want more beasts! More wild four legged beasts please.

I am going to go nuts if the next Gen has a bipedal fire type. All other types have had at least one four legged final evo.
It would be nice to see at least a more beast like fire starter like charizard and typhlosion were


Youngster Joey
Although I see how smogon is fair and balanced to me it removes the fun out of battles. I still follow it because it's fair. But I'd rather see Game Freak actually balancing the meta than a group of biased players.


Pokémon Trainer
I dont know if its unpopular but i would rather of have more ideas about post game maybe you can become a gym leader or run your own island challenge. Maybe we might see something like this on the list but a lot of my good mates get bored after the end of the story so i am left alone to play when it is much more fun to battle and go through the story together

