What do you look for in an informational video?


Pokémon Trainer
What do you look for in a pokemon informational video?
I am looking for feedback as I am planning to make a series of pokemon "informative videos. Ranging from "breeding information" to "introductional videos for people new to the pokemon handheld series.
Also feel free so send me requests on videos you would like to see or you feel would help other players, new and old.
I will post links after I begin my videos.


Youngster Joey
I cant tell you how many videos ive tried to watch where the narrator tries to make jokes and theyre never funny. most of the time they arent entertaining and if im watching and informational video, I WANT INFORMATION! not lame jokes.
another thing i would like to see in videos (especially for item location videos) is checkpoints in the video for each specific item, i dont want to have to wait through the whole video if i just need info on one of the sections.
good luck on your videos, theyre harder than most people think haha!
check out Haydunn on youtube, i like his videos, theyre the perfect mix of entertaining but still to the point


Pokémon Trainer
Cool. Thanks for your input. I will check him out.
And I definitely will have more information than jokes lol.
I think your completely right. Some people goof around in informational videos, when the viewer just wants the information correctly presented in a sensible way

