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Yo What's Good?!?


Youngster Joey
What's good guys and gals?
I'm True. I've been playing Pokemon for quite a few years now. My first game was Blue, which I got from a friend(who also gave me a GameBoy Color), though I never made it past Fuschia City. I would just go into the Safari Zone to catch Chansey, Kangaskhan, Dratini, and Scyther. When I ran out of money I would go in between Celadon City and Saffron City and let Meowth use Payday until I had enough to hop back into the Safari Zone. I then bought Gold and Silver which still remain my favorite games to this day. I played Gen 3, then eventually got a DS and played Gen 4(Diamond remains my least favorite game in the Pokemon series). I skipped Gen 5, then last year I bought a 2DS with OR and Y.
I only just started getting into the competitive side of Pokemon, and I prefer breeding competitive Pokemon rather then battle, so you'll likely see me making trades more often then battle. I'd love to help breed a team for you!
Other then Pokemon I play alot of Destiny and Titanfall 2 on PS4.

