Fighting Badge

WSawyer WSawyer recovering accnt
BlazingInfernape BlazingInfernape
Less Less defated the fighting gym leader in a batlle
D Dis dan defeated fighting gym leader
Flexington Flexington defeated the gym leader
Sewage Sewage defeated the gym leader
MrMcgee1311 MrMcgee1311 Defeated the fighting gym leader.
urban1ninja urban1ninja Defeated the fighting gym leader.
kankuro236 kankuro236 beat the fighting gym leader
Brock Brock he beat me in a battle with no restrictions broken
Marc Marc
KeananSte KeananSte
raeman0012 raeman0012 Beat fighting gym!
AdamC AdamC Beat fighting gym!!
Fady Fady Beating fighting gym
A AdamInTheCage Beat the fighting gym!
Agent Antz Agent Antz Beating the gym!
Dace Dace
PC Principal PC Principal
Spyro2013 Spyro2013 Well done
Akaji Akaji
Chem Chem GG well done dude
GiaQuando GiaQuando Current gym leader unable to award badges
NexusPlaysPokemon NexusPlaysPokemon
ZeusG2 ZeusG2
Gym Slasher Gym Slasher
M Mark2706
HasanAlyK HasanAlyK
Fiyer Lord Fiyer Lord
the bdr the bdr
Mysticious123 Mysticious123
Miles8088 Miles8088
BigTimeBrownie BigTimeBrownie
ammar ammar
Loli-Shark Loli-Shark
Blaze It Ksa Blaze It Ksa
cj-97 cj-97
Jordi Jordi
Zac1297 Zac1297
Zack83 Zack83
ericashes ericashes
Khalid Khalid
Lee-chan Lee-chan
sharkfang625 sharkfang625
AndromedaNexus AndromedaNexus
Cheza Cheza
Martin Martin