
  1. D

    Trade Completed Multiscale Dratini

    I am looking for a multiscale dratini/dragonair/dragonite of any iv's and EV's, preferably a female if possible. I would very much like to breed my own competitive Dragonite but haven't got the balls to grind for one on bw2 to transfer it to oras, so I would be very happy if anyone could help...
  2. B

    FT HA Charmander, Bulbasaur, Froakie, Snivy, Dratini

    Im trading away Solar Power Charmander, chlorophyll Bulbasaur, protean frokie, contrary snivy, multiscale dratini. Just want something cool or battle ready. no nicknames.
  3. Salamence789

    Multiscale Dratini wanted

    Hi all, I am looking for a Dratini with Multiscale, is there anyone who can help me out? In return, I have several Legendaries which I don't need. I also have a lot of outstanding pokémon in all kind of mineral groups. Please reply or pm me if you want to help me out, I will gladly trade with...