Active Build your Perfect Pokes - Shoppe


Pokémon Trainer
Hey guys!

I am back after finishing my degree, and as such am back to make you some perfect pokes.

Cost per normal 6 IV poke is going to be 85 credits

Cost for HA / egg move(s) 6 IV poke 100

If you buy a full team you will get a 10% discount, and as an added bonus you will receive items 6 master balls or 6 large nuggets with your team.

IF you buy a Full box receive Free EV training on 2 teams as well as free masterballs/ large nuggets

I hope to hear from you all soon! Please follow the order form below to put it in, and I will get to breeding!

1. Pokemon (so I know what you want me to breed ;) )
2. Desired Nature
3. HA (yes or no)
4. Egg moves
5. Anything else you guys want

Please note
All are bred by me in game, and as such I Cannot breed legitimate shinies in a short time frame.
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