• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Active Dysproh's PokATM™ - Custom Legal Pokemon, Tailored to You

Dysproh The Noob

Youngster Joey
Hello, User, and welcome to Dysproh's PokATM! Here at Dysproh's PokATM, we sell only the finest legal pokémon! All you have to do to obtain a pokémon from us is make your request below, and pay 100 credits! Pokémon may be customized to the full extent of what GameFreak allows us to trade. Just copy/paste the form below into a reply, fill it out, and send 100 PC to me, and I will try to get your pokémon to you as soon as possible.
Also, for just 20 PC extra, I will give it pokérus.
Generation 7 (Sun/Moon) Pokemon only.

All requests must be legal. I am not responsible for any bans resulting from the use of my pokémon. Keep in mind that, though legal, these pokemon are not legit.

The Form:

Pokémon and Pokédex ID: (ex. Bulbasaur #1)
IVs: HP/Attack/Defense/SpAtk/SpDef/Speed
EVs: HP/Attack/Defense/SpAtk/SpDef/Speed
Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:
Is shiny: yes/no
Has pokerus: yes/no
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