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EV Training - 100pc


Youngster Joey
1. Find the Pokemon you want me to EV Train
2. Tell me the stats you want EV trained
3. Tell me if you Don't want Pokerus...otherwise it's going on
4. Add my FC
5. Trade
6. Wait
7. Trade back



Pokerus alows me to EV train your pokemon very fast

How do EVs affect stats?

For every 4 EVs you gain in a specific stat, you'll gain +1 to your Pokemon's base value in that stat.

EVs are calculated at +1 Stat point per 4 EVs at level 100, which means you won't see the full benefit of the EVs you put into your Pokémon until it reaches that level; there will still be a benefit, just not as significant as when it reaches the maximum level.​

