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Active In Need of some help!


Youngster Joey
Hi Everyone, My name is Oli

I have been around Pokemon since Gen 1 came out. I now have a child and am even getting him interested in pokemon. However i am now very interested in breeding & making a great team. Primarily i am looking for someone who could Mentor me through it and help me out. I have read and understand a lot about it but to me it seems such a monstrous task to start from scratch. I tried breeding evees to get an unbreon tank last generation, 500 eevees later and i didnt even come close to even just having the right IV's. I dont have any friends on the friend safari and i have only just beat the elite 4 in my current game. I am well and truley confused. In some cases how to get the right attacks for the pokemon & also team set up. 4 sweepers 2 walls 1 for def and 1 for spec def?

Really i would like help going through the whole process to get my first perfect pokemon for my team. I would ideally like a protien frogadier or a talonflame as these seem to be beasting it at the moment. Either that or a Heracross for mega evolution.

If anyone could give me some advice i would welcome it with open arms. I have read a lot about it but when i get to it i find it difficult, im even confused how to calculate a pokemons IV's in the new gen.

I would happily talk over skype as long as someone would be willing to give me their time and effort.

Kind Regards
Future Pokemon Bawss :)


Meme Queen
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Welcome to the site. :) I personally am not that great with competitive strategy yet but there are lots of people on here who can help you out. ^-^

(Just give them a while, they're never awake this early haha)


Pokémon Champion
Trusted Seller
I can help also nice avatar ^_^ yasuo was my main in league


King of the Ring
Staff member
First step is a step back, take a deep breath, and know that you came to the right place.

Second step is to realize that it can feel a bit overwhelming at first, especially if you are a competitive person like i am >.<, but so is anything else worth doing in life right? The way i got over that initial 'omg this is alot,' was to tell myself that 10 year old kids do this seamlessly, which is partially a lie, but still helped.

My first piece of battling advice would be to not worry about getting everything perfect out the gate. You shouldn't really be worrying about IV and EV training yet. Just do some battle maison for now. Soon you'll start to get why IV and EV training is important, and as soon as that clicks you can get someone here to make you a few pokes for close to free, if not completely free.
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Youngster Joey
Dear All,
Thank you for your responses (for the record i am from London so its just past 3pm here)

1. Yasuo is a beast :)
2. Free pokes is always awesome and i would be happy to grab some, but at the end of the day i want to be able to make it myself. I just don't know where to start really :(. I didn't even know if i posted in the right place at first but many thanks again for confirming i have done.


King of the Ring
Staff member
Dear All,
Thank you for your responses (for the record i am from London so its just past 3pm here)

1. Yasuo is a beast :)
2. Free pokes is always awesome and i would be happy to grab some, but at the end of the day i want to be able to make it myself. I just don't know where to start really :(. I didn't even know if i posted in the right place at first but many thanks again for confirming i have done.
if you are interested in breeding them yourself, give this video a shot.


Fire Starter
are you breeding for shinies or just competitive pokemon, if for shinies, 400 eggs is a large number but it usually takes longer. if youre just breeding for competitive pokemon 400 eggs is way too many. what exactly is youre set up, an example of the parents ivs, nature, moves, and items they're holding as their hold items are very important when it comes to breeding competitive pokemon. and hopefully your son loves pokemon just as much as all of us do :D


Youngster Joey
i was breeding evees with dittos so i could get the right IV's - just so i can get started. i havent bred anything so far this Gen. One of the guides i looked at said i needed 2 dittos that cover 31 IV's in all the stats. Thats a monstrous place to start isn't it? As i said i wanted to start breeding a protein Frog but i realised i wouldnt be able to get one with protein.

Anyone willing to skype?


Youngster Joey
So if i breed my greninja without protein (he is male) with a ditto, eventually i will get one with protein, from there i need to try to get a female with protein, then i work on the nature, then the IV's then the EV's.

First things first friend safari, i need more people i haven't got one friend, is there a limit to how many friends you have?


Pokémon Champion
Trusted Seller
A non Hidden ability pokemon has no chance to breed a hidden ability onto another. A female hidden ability has a higher chance to pass down a hidden ability.


Youngster Joey
So without finding one in the friend safari i will never be able to get a protien Greninja, correct? ive made a post in the friend safari trying to find out what pokemon i have there. Hopefully i can get started soon


Pokémon Master
How I learned to battle competitively was to watch youtube battlers! I recommend shadypenguinn, hoodlumscrafty, thekingnappy, shofu, and numbnexus.


Youngster Joey
Thanks, i have currently been watching Shofu. I like the way he explains things. I will give the others a look while my DS is updating :)


Pokémon Master
Thanks, i have currently been watching Shofu. I like the way he explains things. I will give the others a look while my DS is updating :)

Shady, nexus, and hoodlum are my favorite because they explain everything they do, and shady puts out about 2 battles a day!


Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
So if i breed my greninja without protein (he is male) with a ditto, eventually i will get one with protein, from there i need to try to get a female with protein, then i work on the nature, then the IV's then the EV's.

First things first friend safari, i need more people i haven't got one friend, is there a limit to how many friends you have?

You can add me on your friends list. Will help us both with safari.

