Pokemon Sun&Moon the best or worst?

Do you like pokemon sun and moon

  • Yes!!

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No!!

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Youngster Joey
Greetings fellow champions of the Pokéverse, TysCharizardY here wondering what are your thoughts on the newest Pokémon games within the saga.

Before we divulge into your thoughts with Pokémon Sun and Moon here's a little short summary of my own opinions of the latest games...

No.1 Bye Bye National Dex

Pokémon sun and moon has seen the complete removal of the national Pokédex, one of the ultimate goals that die-hard poke-fans desire to complete. Now I know you can still access the National Dex through the use of Pokémon Bank, however this is the first time that Pokémon have completely removed this feature from within the game. This has significantly reduced the desire to want to pick up the game after having completed it.

No.2 You Call That a Post-Game?


So for those who have completed the post-game you'll know that it is all centred around the "mysterious" UB's formally known as the Ultra Beats. Personally I wasn't a massive fan of the introduction of the UB's, I felt they resembled Digimon more than the traditional Pokémon that we have come to know and love... but being a lifelong Pokémon fan I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and see how their story unfolded, oh how disappointed I was... it lacked imagination and is such a basic narrative, it’s simply, "go out and catch the thing that threatens the environment" and hey presto post game finished. This post game was such an overwhelming let down in comparison to the story-driven and detailed events of the Delta Episode in ORAS (omega ruby & alpha sapphire).

No.3 Wait... Zygarde?

Sun and Moon sees you scour the Alolan Landscape in search of the elusive 100 Zygarde cells/cores to finally generate Zygarde Complete Form, but what is the actual point of finding all these cells and cores… what happens when you finally finish this side quest? Well… nothing actually, apart from a cool little cut scene of 50% Zygarde absorbing the remaining cells when its health drops below 50%. Seems a little anticlimactic if you ask me. I had higher hopes for Zygarde complete form. An epic battle between the UB’s and Zygarde to save all of humanity perhaps, but one can dream.

No.4 Water Water Everywhere but not a Drop to Explore

Did anybody else notice the giant expanse of water in the middle of the region? Or was that just me? If you’re like me and you love to explore every inch of the region, then you’ll also be a little miffed when you found out you couldn’t actually surf between islands. This drastically reduced the size of the playable map and resulted in the below average number of water types that were obtainable, not to mention the fact that you can only fish in specific spots of the water. If you’re going to take away the exploration of the surrounding waters, then you need to make the land masses bigger to compensate for this otherwise there isn’t that much to explore, or you could add an additional region for the player to explore that is available in the post-game, Arceus knows how long we’ve wanted that... Overall the map was too small.

No.5 Traditionalists

Call me traditional and non-progressive but I feel that too many changes were made to the foundations of Pokémon Sun and Moon. I can cope with the removal of HM’s (I will miss the trusty slave Bidoof), but removing something as momentous as the Gyms, well then we’ve got a problem. The Gyms signified a feat of strength by stampeding through 4/5 trainers in order to battle the leader, this is what a real challenge is. But now I can’t help feeling insulted by being told to find some herbs, or play spot the difference in order to complete the trial. I acknowledge the Totem Pokémon but these shriek in comparison to the likes of Blue, Lance, Wallace and Cynthia, just to name a few. The trials were lacklustre battles that I walked through. It seems that they’ve made more changes to suit the younger audiences rather than keeping with tradition. I can understand why they would do this, however, they need to compensate for this by allowing veteran trainers such you and myself to up the ante and ramp up the difficulty.

No.6 Where’s my Megas?

In order to focus on the new addition of the Z crystals, Pokémon Sun and Moon saw the removal of the Mega stones in the main game only 2 games after their initial release in Pokémon X and Y. For players such as myself a team was built and centred around a Pokémon with Mega capabilities and to go the whole game with no mega in my team was a little disappointing. Furthermore, there was no real sense of deception in a battle where a Pokémon can change its typing to sway the tide of a match. However, only 16 of the 48 mega stones are available to purchase at the battle tree with BP (battle points) and 4 more are given as prizes after beating the singles 20 consecutive match side of the battle tree, so where are the remaining 28 mega stones…? Where do we get them from and how long are we going to have to wait? The release of the updated Pokémon bank now allows us to transport all our beloved, strong, perfect Pokémon across but it doesn’t allow for item transfer, so I can’t help but wonder what the contingency plan is for the remaining 28 mega stones.

So there’s just a brief summary of all my own opinions regarding Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Let me know what your thoughts are.

Do you share my judgement of these games or do you contest what I’ve said?

Either way let me know If you’ve enjoyed this read and don’t be afraid to comment or give it a like, it would be great to get some feedback on this too.

Train on and train hard PokéMasters



Youngster Joey
I appreciated your review. I definitely agree that the UB's are decidedly un-pokemon-like, though - much like many of the other changes - they've begun to grow on me. I actually liked that they withheld the mega evolutions from the regular story. I don't know that I would have remembered to use the z-moves at all without that nudge, and one I tried them out, I found that I liked them.

I actually really liked the change up from the gyms. Now, I've been playing pokemon from the beginning, and I love the standard set up of 8 gyms for 8 badges to get to the league. And I was very skeptical at first, but once I played through, I really liked the trials and the kahunas. After 7 generations of the game, it was nice (IMO) to get a change in the format that still retained that good old pokemon feel.


Youngster Joey
I appreciated your review. I definitely agree that the UB's are decidedly un-pokemon-like, though - much like many of the other changes - they've begun to grow on me. I actually liked that they withheld the mega evolutions from the regular story. I don't know that I would have remembered to use the z-moves at all without that nudge, and one I tried them out, I found that I liked them.

I actually really liked the change up from the gyms. Now, I've been playing pokemon from the beginning, and I love the standard set up of 8 gyms for 8 badges to get to the league. And I was very skeptical at first, but once I played through, I really liked the trials and the kahunas. After 7 generations of the game, it was nice (IMO) to get a change in the format that still retained that good old pokemon feel.

Thank you for taking the time to reply, i enjoyed reading your personal thoughts on the game. Withholding the mega Pokemon does give the z-moves a nudge but i can safely say that I've only used them a handful of times and i felt they didn't have as big of an impact on the game that mega evolution did.
One thing i did like about Sun and Moon was having to defend you Champion title from upcoming challengers, this idea was both refreshing and innovative rather than previous generations not acknowledging your earlier attempts at the champion title.

Once again thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my review.

Train on and train hard PokeMasters

Terry C aka the breeder

Youngster Joey
To be honest, I have mixed feelings about sun and moon. having playd the previous gens I felt a twinge of sadness when they did away with the 8 badges and 8 gyms in favour of this new format. Yes I understand why they did it. I did like the change with defending your championship once you beat the game. Like yourself I like exploring every inch of the region not being able to surf yourself between the islands was somewhat disappointing. the mega evolving pokes were somewhat disappointing as well.
gamefreak does deserve credit for being new and trying to bring in new players. it was a nice play through. but imo something felt missing from it.


Youngster Joey
Thank you for taking the time to reply, i enjoyed reading your personal thoughts on the game. Withholding the mega Pokemon does give the z-moves a nudge but i can safely say that I've only used them a handful of times and i felt they didn't have as big of an impact on the game that mega evolution did.
One thing i did like about Sun and Moon was having to defend you Champion title from upcoming challengers, this idea was both refreshing and innovative rather than previous generations not acknowledging your earlier attempts at the champion title.

Once again thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my review.

Train on and train hard PokeMasters

Thanks! I LOVE the addition of defending your title. I didn't know that was there until I went back through the league a second time and I about lost my mind with how cool I thought it was. :)

