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Room 2 of Sea Mauville


Youngster Joey
So when you enter Room 2 in Sea Mauville, there are two "Teammates" facing each other. If you talk to the long-haired girl she says she swore she locked the door and gives you the Key to Room 6, asking you to leave. She then says she's showing her friend how hard it is to be a trainer. When you talk to the short-haired girl, all she does is blush. Two girls lock themselves in a room, stand very close to each other and one of them is blushing? Is something going on that we don't know? ;)


Youngster Joey
Haha, I saw that. I also noticed a few double battle trainers that used to be boyfriend/girlfriend couples in the old game that are now two girls.... I think Gamefreak is trying to tell us something.

