Closed The Ladies 60 CP USUM Pokemon/Item Shop. 6IV/BR/Legend/Mythical/Event.


Youngster Joey
I'll be frank, the reason I'm currently making this shop is to help my family out with some bills. I'm currently quite active and have made many perfect Pokemon for myself as well as bought perfect Pokemon from a user on here. Since I'm new, I won't be charging outrageous prices. Instead, I'll offer packaged deals and be able to get them to perspective buyers as soon as possible. I will not ask for Credit until you get your Pokemon. Everything for a time will be completely disorganized and my shop will look unprofessional for a time until I figure out better coding
I will only be charging 60 PC per Pokemon as I am new, but I do have years of experience making Pokemon back during Gen 4/5 with an Action Replay and Gen 6/7 with PkHex.

If you so wish to speed up the process, you can join my Discord and I'll have the proper format for you there.

Discord -

Other things I will do include:​
  • Shinyfy any current Pokemon of yours, 20 CP.
  • Fix any IVs, give your other Pokemon new attacks, better sets, natures and EVs. 60 CP
  • 6IV Dittos and Destiny Knots available. 60CP for a Ditto, 30 for a Knot. 80 for both.
  • Make any eggs 5/6IV and Shiny. 60 CP.
As you can see, this is a very simple shop. Everything is 60 CP and I'll never ask for credits until after you receive your Pokemon.

1 Positive Feedback = 3 Free Pokemon (Can be eggs so you can raise them) next time you shop

3DS FC: 3368-7527-4378​
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