Active The Pokemon Story Project


Youngster Joey

Hello fellow trainers. My name is TinyLlamas and with Clockwork, we hope to run a project with your assistance.

In the past we have attempted to do a Nuzlock pokemon save swap where we as a group made our way through the game. We would play for a set amount a time before passing along our save files to the next one in line.During this time, we had agreed to maintain a journal to document the amount of progress we had made. While at first it began as a simple documentation of what we did, we soon started to write story elements into the journal, and eventually ended up with a narrative outside of the existing story in the game. You can say we made our own head canon for the journey we took. With that said, it was an interesting and fun experience. And we wish to recreate it on a larger scale.

We propose to start a project that involves players playing a Nuzlock-styled run of Pokemon Gold. * During this run, players will be given a half hour to progress through the game. * They can do anything in the allotted time as long as it follows guidelines given and does not break the game (i.e. they didn't release all the pokemon). * During this time they would maintain a journal that would document the journey that is taking place in a narrative format. * Feel free to include screenshots or fan art * Once their play time is up, their save file and journal will then be passed on to the next player in line who will continue the playthrough.

We hope that this would result in a similar experience that we had, where a collaborative narrative will be created out of this project.

Clockwork and I would be coordinating the efforts. We will be providing the necessary requirements to get this project running as well as passing the saves to the next player in line. If you are interested please send a message to one of us or you are able to email us at [email protected]

