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Trade Completed Shiny Starly


Pokémon Trainer
I'm looking for a Shiny Starly with its hidden ability Reckless.
I want it to be somewhat decent, with atleast perfect Attack, Speed and Defence. Which make it atleast 3IV, getting a better one wouldn't hurt. With the Egg Move Double edge.

I'm Willing to give one of the following for it- Phione, Jirachi (Wishmkr), Celebi or Keldeo.
Having in mind that all of these are Event only i see it as a fair deal. I do not mind if the Pokemon is hacked. As long as it can be used in Competetive Play.
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Pokémon Champion
Dex Contributor
I'm looking for a Shiny Starly with its hidden ability Reckless.
I want it to be somewhat decent, with atleast perfect Attack, Speed and Defence. Which make it atleast 3IV, getting a better one wouldn't hurt.

I'm Willing to give one of the following for it- Phione, Jirachi (Wishmkr), Celebi or Keldeo.
Having in mind that all of these are Event only i see it as a fair deal. I do not mind if the Pokemon is hacked. As long as it can be used in Competetive Play.
If no-one else gets back to you I have one available for you but I won't be available until 9pm gmt

