Active Price Division Poll

What is your opinion regarding these possible price minimums on the site?

  • Sounds awesome! This will benefit the community.

  • I like the idea, but it could use some modifications.

  • I like the idea, but no one cares enough to get it implemented.

  • The system is too complicated- I am confused.

  • There are too many problems with this system.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
Sorry that this is somewhat of a repost...however, I'd like an easy way to track the opinions of our many members in regard to my previous Price Tiering Suggestion:

The current division concept (minimum prices for each service) is as follows:


Perfect, 6IV, Custom, Battle-Ready Pokemon- 60PC min​

*Items and Services- 20PC min

*Items and Services Include:
All Items
Pokemon Editing Services-
maybe with extra 5PC charges per change
Breeding Discards, Dex Fillers, Pokerus (5IV or less, non-specialized, no item)
Pokemon Cloning Services (with bulk deals allowed)

For more information, or to post a lengthy response, please refer to the original post :)
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Pokémon Champion
Dex Contributor
Looking good

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
Sorry that this is somewhat of a repost...however, I'd like an easy way to track the opinions of our many members in regard to my Price Tiering Suggestion:

The current tiering concept (minimum prices for each service) is as follows:


Perfect, 6IV, Custom, Battle-Ready Pokemon-
60PC min

Pre-made Stock Pokemon-
55PC min

Pokemon Editing Services- 20PC min (maybe with extra 5PC charges per change)

Items (to be traded with *Breeding level Pokemon)-
25PC min
(to be traded with *Dex Filler level Pokemon)- 20PC min

*Breeding Pokemon (5IV, first evolutions, non-specialized, hidden ability, no item)-

*Dex Fillers and Pokerus (less than 5IV's, random stats and natures, no item)- 15PC

Pokemon Cloning Services-
10PC min per clone

For more information, or to post a lengthy response, please refer to the original post :)
Unfortunately, your suggestion is majorly flawed. The minimum price for anything on the site 60pc regardless and it wont change tbh for a long time. I believe the members responsible for the increase will agree that the minimum will stay at 60pc.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
Unfortunately, your suggestion is majorly flawed. The minimum price for anything on the site 60pc regardless and it wont change tbh for a long time. I believe the members responsible for the increase will agree that the minimum will stay at 60pc.
To address your issue, with this system the 60PC minimum for custom Pokemon actually stays in place. You can review that discussion in the original post.


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
My full thoughts have been posted in the other thread - I wouldn't be opposed to minor changes, but changes to this extent would be negative in my mind. See my other post for further details.

Saya Kisaragi

The Void Queen
To address your issue, with this system the 60PC minimum for custom Pokemon actually stays in place. You can review that discussion in the original post.
I don't think you completely understand, the minimum price is 60pc. (this is including all services; no if, ands or buts about it) I'm not trying to sound mean or anything I'm just trying to state the obvious facts and reasons.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
To address your issue, with this system the 60PC minimum for custom Pokemon actually stays in place. You can review that discussion in the original post.
I don't think you completely understand, the minimum price is 60pc. (this is including all services; no if, ands or buts about it) I'm not trying to sound mean or anything I'm just trying to state the obvious facts and reasons.
I don't think you understand what's going on here. I'm not posting a shop with prices- I'm making a suggestion to the community. These are simply ideas for a change on the site. I am very well aware of the current rules.


Pokémon Champion
I belive that editing should be just a little less, like 15pc. I do like this system. The problem with the site is everything costs 60pc. All breeding, editing and basically everything that isn't a custom Pokemon service, won't get any buyers because for the same price, I can get a new custom Pokemon. It will also give new members a chance to buy more Pokemon, however they won't be perfect Pokemon. It for sure will Incourage more people to join the site because if I wasn't here during the 20pc era, I probably would have quit


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
My full thoughts have been posted in the other thread - I wouldn't be opposed to minor changes, but changes to this extent would be negative in my mind. See my other post for further details.
I have posted a thorough reply to yours as well, on the other thread :)


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I've looked through the pricing decisions that've been made, and I have to point out something I made before the prices were 60PC, and the minimum pricing was 20PC a while back. People made a point - I think Krelbit made the best - that by having the minimum price so low, people are losing out on the minimum wage if they were to make this a real job. Krelbit can do a much better job on explaining all this than me, so he might be worthwhile hitting up.

I think that as far as the minimum price on Pokemon, it should be higher. Going of my creation method that I used to use, it needs to be. Factor that in with the fact homebrew isn't up to the functionality that it used to be, it can be a little more expensive because only certain people can make those Pokemon. That's my first issue. 190PC is extortionate for one Pokemon, but it's roughly the amount it'd need to be if you wanna be paid fairly for your time and effort.

Second issue is the premade Pokemon price. It's also a lower than would be ideal, which is a problem. Honestly, I can't comment what it should be, but if my argument stays sound, then you can say maybe 80PC. This is of course, if you remain to use the aforementioned cost.

To be honest, I'm then cool with the rest of what you're saying to be those costs. Although, I will throw in my maths to get a say... 48 credits for a choice band = 4 plays of the battle test with 'Master rank' to get 60 credits (15 per master rank). I specialise in doubles, so that's about 20-30 mins per round, making it about 2 hours worth to get a choice band from credits at most. Long story short, to sell items the traditional way, and to learn strategies in the Battle Test, it's cost more than 10 pounds per item, which is considerably more than 190PC per Pokemon XD But then it's an item so arguably less important than the Pokemon itself so whatever. I can see both sides of the argument.

I think the minimum price for everything to be 60PC is fair, and of course, shops change depending on supply and demand. Honestly, it might be worth checking the old thread before the minimum price was updated to 60PC to get some research done. I'll link it here to conclude:

Either way, just my two cents. Happy reading :3


Calculator Brain
Will Not Fall
I don't see how it's fair that people have to sell naturally ingame bred Pokémons at the same price as perfect genned Pokémons. Anyone who doesn't gen or use powersaves has a zero chance to start up a shop here to be honest. If you can get a perfect mon at the same price in 10 minutes of time or an ingame bred one in a matter of hours/days even, which one will the consumer choose? Obviously the one that is faster and even better quality.

But as it is now, they have to be sold at the same price, meaning people who want to breed them ingame to make a business out of it have close to nonexistant chance to make it happen. One example could be @Planet_Azumarill , since the 60PC rule came into town, his shop died pretty much instantly. And I'm not speaking of the good ol' genners with 100+ PC each pricing, but the ones with the 60 PC price tag.


The Great Tactician
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
Well the reason we raised the price was that many ppl spamed quite a lot in order to gain credits...
As I said too that thing here has quite many flaws and u can't make sure that the price rules will be kept for various reasons we all know...
So still a no from me


Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
I don't agree with this for many reasons.
  1. I don't think it will benefit the community. This will mean lots more editing, people "breeding" while in reality genning and just people trying to find ways to get round the system. 60pc as a flat minimum is a great idea imo.
  2. There will be people abusing this. How can you be sure people are breeding. I could quite easily make a batch of 4iv, 5iv chimchars in pkhex and then sell them off as "bred" just because they could be classed as acceptable bred pokemon. Dex Fillers and Pokerus Pokemon: How are we supposed to know they are less than 5iv's. I could quite easily say I'm buying a "Pokerus Pokemon" whereas in fact I'm buying a 6iv, BR Pokemon.
  3. UNDERCUTTING. This will pretty much put the majority of sellers who sell pokes for above 60pc out of business. You are literally opening the flood gates for a new load of undercutters into PP which will just ruin the economy even more.
In Conclusion, I believe that this is a terrible idea for the community in general and for the economy. I don't believe that this should ever be placed on the site as it would be like the site digging it's own grave.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I've looked through the pricing decisions that've been made, and I have to point out something I made before the prices were 60PC, and the minimum pricing was 20PC a while back. People made a point - I think Krelbit made the best - that by having the minimum price so low, people are losing out on the minimum wage if they were to make this a real job. Krelbit can do a much better job on explaining all this than me, so he might be worthwhile hitting up.

I think that as far as the minimum price on Pokemon, it should be higher. Going of my creation method that I used to use, it needs to be. Factor that in with the fact homebrew isn't up to the functionality that it used to be, it can be a little more expensive because only certain people can make those Pokemon. That's my first issue. 190PC is extortionate for one Pokemon, but it's roughly the amount it'd need to be if you wanna be paid fairly for your time and effort.

Second issue is the premade Pokemon price. It's also a lower than would be ideal, which is a problem. Honestly, I can't comment what it should be, but if my argument stays sound, then you can say maybe 80PC. This is of course, if you remain to use the aforementioned cost.

To be honest, I'm then cool with the rest of what you're saying to be those costs. Although, I will throw in my maths to get a say... 48 credits for a choice band = 4 plays of the battle test with 'Master rank' to get 60 credits (15 per master rank). I specialise in doubles, so that's about 20-30 mins per round, making it about 2 hours worth to get a choice band from credits at most. Long story short, to sell items the traditional way, and to learn strategies in the Battle Test, it's cost more than 10 pounds per item, which is considerably more than 190PC per Pokemon XD But then it's an item so arguably less important than the Pokemon itself so whatever. I can see both sides of the argument.

I think the minimum price for everything to be 60PC is fair, and of course, shops change depending on supply and demand. Honestly, it might be worth checking the old thread before the minimum price was updated to 60PC to get some research done. I'll link it here to conclude:

Either way, just my two cents. Happy reading :3
Thanks for the input :)

To start off with, I have read @Krelbit 's entire post and I am well aware of why the minimum was changed. The thing is that most people aren't doing this to make a real wage, they're doing it for fun, or to make some extra cash in their spare time. The other thing is, sellers and the site in general aren't making any money off of items and such, because those things just don't sell here anymore (refer to @Dace 's comment on this thread).

About the price for custom Pokemon, that's not what I'm here to discuss. If you'd like the the minimum for customs to be 190PC, that's a whole separate issue (that I'm not worried about right now). Obviously the site members and staff decided that 60PC was a good price, and I see lots of custom sales taking place at that price point.

I believe that pre-made Pokemon should be 5PC less than a regular one, because it is essentially the same product as a custom, without the immediate attention required to customize. Again, I'm basing the 55PC on the current 60PC minimum, which is not what I'm here to modify.

I understand how much work it takes to get an item. Honestly, that becomes the sellers choice of whether or not they want to go through that effort in order to sell the items. The problem is, there's not enough demand to sell items for anything greater than 20PC. If someone's buying an item here, it's likely because they're too lazy to get it in game themselves (however, they always have that option). Personally, I'd be more likely to buy an item for 20PC than get it in game. However, I'd be more likely to get it in game than spend 60PC. See where I'm going here?

To summarize, I understand why people want higher prices. The problem comes down to the fact that there just isn't enough demand to support those higher prices right now. I thank you for your input, and hopefully this response will help you to see things the way I do :)


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I don't see how it's fair that people have to sell naturally ingame bred Pokémons at the same price as perfect genned Pokémons. Anyone who doesn't gen or use powersaves has a zero chance to start up a shop here to be honest. If you can get a perfect mon at the same price in 10 minutes of time or an ingame bred one in a matter of hours/days even, which one will the consumer choose? Obviously the one that is faster and even better quality.

But as it is now, they have to be sold at the same price, meaning people who want to breed them ingame to make a business out of it have close to nonexistant chance to make it happen. One example could be @Planet_Azumarill , since the 60PC rule came into town, his shop died pretty much instantly. And I'm not speaking of the good ol' genners with 100+ PC each pricing, but the ones with the 60 PC price tag.

This is exactly what I'm hoping to fix.


Pokémon Champion
Well the reason we raised the price was that many ppl spamed quite a lot in order to gain credits...
As I said too that thing here has quite many flaws and u can't make sure that the price rules will be kept for various reasons we all know...
So still a no from me
I wasn't here that long during the 20pc era however I don't believe spamming has been much better (again your the expert and I probably am wrong, and if so please let me know how much each person was spamming.) However I've seen people who post 3 or 4 times in threads like what's your favorite Pokemon type or stuff etc, so yeah I understand it might be better where spammers aren't as bad as they were but it's not going to be stopped. And there's nothing we can do but enforce the rules more. Maybe a section for just for fun for the threads like that. Each post gives you 1 PC but maybe you can post once per thread. That would prevent spammers and the rest of the threads would be trades so just an idea that might help out the spammers :)


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
Well the reason we raised the price was that many ppl spamed quite a lot in order to gain credits...
As I said too that thing here has quite many flaws and u can't make sure that the price rules will be kept for various reasons we all know...
So still a no from me
I didn't hear anything about the spamming factoring into the change, but even if that was a factor, surely it's not as big a deal as the current situation is. The point of introducing the 60/20 split was to make things very easy to manage > 60PC for customs, 20PC for everything else.


Pokémon Champion
Thanks for the input :)

To start off with, I have read @Krelbit 's entire post and I am well aware of why the minimum was changed. The thing is that most people aren't doing this to make a real wage, they're doing it for fun, or to make some extra cash in their spare time. The other thing is, sellers and the site in general aren't making any money off of items and such, because those things just don't sell here anymore (refer to @Dace 's comment on this thread).

About the price for custom Pokemon, that's not what I'm here to discuss. If you'd like the the minimum for customs to be 190PC, that's a whole separate issue (that I'm not worried about right now). Obviously the site members and staff decided that 60PC was a good price, and I see lots of custom sales taking place at that price point.

I believe that pre-made Pokemon should be 5PC less than a regular one, because it is essentially the same product as a custom, without the immediate attention required to customize. Again, I'm basing the 55PC on the current 60PC minimum, which is not what I'm here to modify.

I understand how much work it takes to get an item. Honestly, that becomes the sellers choice of whether or not they want to go through that effort in order to sell the items. The problem is, there's not enough demand to sell items for anything greater than 20PC. If someone's buying an item here, it's likely because they're too lazy to get it in game themselves (however, they always have that option). Personally, I'd be more likely to buy an item for 20PC than get it in game. However, I'd be more likely to get it in game than spend 60PC. See where I'm going here?

To summarize, I understand why people want higher prices. The problem comes down to the fact that there just isn't enough demand to support those higher prices right now. I thank you for your input, and hopefully this response will help you to see things the way I do :)
Sorry for the double post, however I had one more idea. It would absolutely be fair to change the item price down to maybe 20-30pc. Why? Well item shops are pretty much dead on here now. I can go to practically any custom Pokemon shop, and for the same price, get a shiny Pokemon with my item. This was also a Problem I had in the 20pc era, item shops just won't sell unless their price is lower.


The Great Tactician
Will Not Fall
Trusted Seller
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
I wasn't here that long during the 20pc era however I don't believe spamming has been much better (again your the expert and I probably am wrong, and if so please let me know how much each person was spamming.) However I've seen people who post 3 or 4 times in threads like what's your favorite Pokemon type or stuff etc, so yeah I understand it might be better where spammers aren't as bad as they were but it's not going to be stopped. And there's nothing we can do but enforce the rules more. Maybe a section for just for fun for the threads like that. Each post gives you 1 PC but maybe you can post once per thread. That would prevent spammers and the rest of the threads would be trades so just an idea that might help out the spammers :)
Trust me the problem was great and you used to ''spam'' too at some point for PC u had like 100+ posts in a week...

