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Recent content by areoplazma
Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Psychic Gym - Issue challenge here (Open)
i issue a challenge agianst your gym :p- areoplazma
- Post #32
- Forum: First Season - Gym Challenge
Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application
Oh okay thanks for clearing that up for me- areoplazma
- Post #38
- Forum: First Season - Gym Challenge
Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application
I have a question also, since I am the dragon leader am I able to use charizard to mega evolve him to charizard-x or am I not allowed since charizard is a flying and fire in the beginning- areoplazma
- Post #36
- Forum: First Season - Gym Challenge
Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Gym Leader Application
I would like to apply for the dragon gym leader, although the team isint ready I can get it by the date- areoplazma
- Post #31
- Forum: First Season - Gym Challenge
LF Articuno or Zapdos
I have zapdos but I will not trade it for a phione since I have one and it's pretty useless- areoplazma
- Post #4
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
I will EV train your pokemon!
Cofagrigus already ev trained 2ivs with moveset target ring and modest nature?- areoplazma
- Post #17
- Forum: Competitive Battling
I will EV train your pokemon!
I have a clefairy with friend guard- areoplazma
- Post #16
- Forum: Competitive Battling
I will EV train your pokemon!
Well actually I didint breed the vullaby someone else did but I can offer the shiny arcanine and a durant with truant- areoplazma
- Post #14
- Forum: Competitive Battling
I will EV train your pokemon!
Goodra with full special defense and full HP and defense on what's leftover and vullaby with full defense and full HP and attack on what's leftover- areoplazma
- Post #12
- Forum: Competitive Battling
I will EV train your pokemon!
How many Pokemon would you ev train for me if gave you a shiny arcanine?- areoplazma
- Post #10
- Forum: Competitive Battling
Active Who is your favorite pokemon to use and your favorite overall pokemon?
i like aegislash beacuase overall it is a good pokemon especially when weakness policy is activated- areoplazma
- Post #28
- Forum: General Chat
What was your most memorable wifi battle experience?
i used my whole competative team to defeat an uber team and i won with full hp on my garchomp- areoplazma
- Post #10
- Forum: General Chat
What are your favorite (and least favorite) things about X and Y?
I like the new pokemon and costomization features but i didint like how they only put in about 70 pokemon- areoplazma
- Post #11
- Forum: General Chat
Active Dragoose will breed 4 you
Okay sounds good ill wait as long as it takes, since I know it might take a few days pm me when it's done so I will know- areoplazma
- Post #35
- Forum: Buy/Sell Bred Pokémon
Active Dragoose will breed 4 you
Mandibuzz Bold nature Ability overcoat 31/31/31/xx/31/31 I would also like to pay the extra 30PC for the egg move foul play on it. I'm guessing all of this would be 130PC?- areoplazma
- Post #33
- Forum: Buy/Sell Bred Pokémon