J J JakesGirl814 Feb 27, 2017 I needed a pokemon to complete my team and I messaged Mimic You at 5am his time and he still got the Poke for me! Exactly what I wanted and it worked well!
I needed a pokemon to complete my team and I messaged Mimic You at 5am his time and he still got the Poke for me! Exactly what I wanted and it worked well!
A A Avalanche920 Feb 23, 2017 very good pokemon again, this is my 3rd time buying i think, eventually will lose count lol. fast reliable and good quality pokemon
very good pokemon again, this is my 3rd time buying i think, eventually will lose count lol. fast reliable and good quality pokemon
Moelmes Feb 13, 2017 Mimic works fast and always brings you up to date while doing his work and tells you how far he got. Awesome costumer service!
Mimic works fast and always brings you up to date while doing his work and tells you how far he got. Awesome costumer service!
joseguilherme02 Feb 12, 2017 Awesome costumer service! The negotiation was transparent, fast and polite. Thanks for the pokes, buddy!
Awesome costumer service! The negotiation was transparent, fast and polite. Thanks for the pokes, buddy!
T T Tjm101 Jan 28, 2017 Great Person behind the mask. I appreciate all you have done buddy. Keep up the good work!