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  1. Wesley

    Active Selling Perfect Pokebank Legedaries!

    How do you already have 500 PC...?
  2. Wesley

    Active Selling Perfect Pokebank Legedaries!

    I'd start around 800 since the site is fairly new and you will probably have a better chance selling at 800, but it's up to you. I would buy Heatran and Darkrai but I'm broke :/ trying to sell to get PC.
  3. Wesley

    Active Selling Perfect Pokebank Legedaries!

    Hope you're kidding lol
  4. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    I'm an idiot. I still have the Alakazam. Send the 80 again. Sorry for the confusion
  5. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    Shit dude I forgot I sold the Alakazam! Want the Nidoking?
  6. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    I'd have to go 80 for Nidoking as well.
  7. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    Send credits and get online so I can trade it to you
  8. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    Sure one minute
  9. Wesley

    LF Pokebank Legends

    Would you take my shiny 6iv Rayquaza for your Darkrai or your Latios?
  10. Wesley

    Active Selling Over 75 5 IV Mons

    Idk. Maybe you have. Thank you for trading the pokes back!
  11. Wesley

    Active Selling Over 75 5 IV Mons

    It's not a funny situation, I don't know why you said lol. I'm just saying you need to transfer the pokes back. That's all.
  12. Wesley

    LF Pokebank Legends

    I have a Shiny 6IV Mew and Shiny 6 IV Rayquaza
  13. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    Okay sweet. Add me and send the credits over. FC is in signature.
  14. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    Its 5 IV so I would need at least 100
  15. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    31/31/31/x/31/31 Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
  16. Wesley

    Active Wesley's Pokémon Shop!

    Could you put your offer to 70?
  17. Wesley

    Please Do Not Spam SB With Trade Offers

    Not that guest
  18. Wesley

    Active Selling Over 75 5 IV Mons

    My pleasure (: Just trying to help the community
  19. Wesley

    Active Selling Over 75 5 IV Mons

    Hey Dom. I see what you are saying about the situation. @OG34 you need to transfer the pokemon back to him immediately or the mods and I will have to ban you from the site. We have 0 tolerance when it comes to scamming.