Search results

  1. Rommulox

    Active Selling cheap Battle maison items and also ev training pokemon.

    Ah, in that case I'd like to order a Reaper Cloth, Red Card, and Absorb Bulb. I believe that would be 80 PC in total, yes? :) 3 32 Items = 96 BP which is 48 BP x2 and you said 40, so 40 x 2 = 80 PC. :D
  2. Rommulox

    Get to know me, Wesley!

    Excellent. Just making sure. <3
  3. Rommulox

    Active Selling cheap Battle maison items and also ev training pokemon.

    Question, if you're selling 48 BP items for 40 PC, does that mean we can pick three 16 BP Items for 40 PC as well?
  4. Rommulox

    Get to know me, Wesley!

    Does that mean you love it or hate it as shiny? :3
  5. Rommulox

    Get to know me, Wesley!

    Yay! Chibi cute things forever!
  6. Rommulox

    Get to know me, Wesley!

    I miss your old avatar already. Chibi Cyndaquill was cute. :)
  7. Rommulox

    Closed 6 IV Ditto's and 5 iv shiny pokemon for sale and others

    When your stuff is cheaper, you sell more things faster. Since your prices are good and reasonable, much more people will come to you. Looks like you made a good bit of business already. Keep up the good work. :3
  8. Rommulox

    "This website is Gold" - Leave your feedback for Commercial

    This website is incredible. I'm glad I found this place. I've already sold many pokemon here and gotten it converted into money with no problems whatsoever. Looking forward to doing more business in this place. <3
  9. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    Enjoy the pokemon for now! I'll have to give you the ditto later. :)
  10. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    Sheeet! I'm sorry. I'll log on now. :D
  11. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    IGN: Dublio FC: 2337-4434-9886
  12. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    Alright, see you then. :)
  13. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    Alright, I'm back. Let me know when you've caught enough fodder so I can trade you. :)
  14. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    I have more pokemon to give you as well, I was just waiting to see you get further in the game first. xD Total brain fart, but I think I'll give you a 6IV Japanese ditto too, so you can breed things.
  15. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    Erm, will you be on in a few hours? I'm about to go see a movie, so I'll trade you when I get back. Gives you more time to get fodder pokes. xD
  16. Rommulox

    Active Donations for Badpandapancham!

    I'll donate the following flawless 5IV Pokemon to you for now: Jolly Skill Link Shellder Timid Magician Fennekin Modest Swift Swim Feebas Bold Adaptability Eevee Modest Sticky Hold Shellos Calm Thick Fat Spheal Modest Refridgerate Amaura Imma put random items on each. :D
  17. Rommulox

    How did you find Perfect Pokemon?

    Nah, it's probably gone by now. I saw the link like two or three weeks ago, back way when this place was first being made. Like super early on. :D But nobody was here then. I saw like 6 posts in the entire site. xD
  18. Rommulox

    Please Do Not Spam SB With Trade Offers

    Seems like this topic appeared after that one guest kept spamming and not wanting to stop despite several warnings. Oh my. No worries to everyone else though, we won't bite off your head. Just be a bit more careful next time, yes?
  19. Rommulox

    Pokémon Bank Postponed 12/26/13

    Eh, I can deal with that. And the smiley I made looks pretty creepy. I'm scared by it. :0
  20. Rommulox

    Pokémon Bank Postponed 12/26/13

    Well, at least it's back up in Japan. Hopefully that means we're on our way to getting it. Right? Right? o.O