Search results

  1. Snewgon

    Active A lot of pokebank pokemon and 4iv adamant ralts for sale

    Same here. 2337-4287-0020 I've already added Ya.
  2. Snewgon

    Active 4 and 5IV Bold Regenerator Slowpokes with Egg Moves: 100/150 PC

    If I had more credits, I'd take that one with the bad speed IV. Arguably that slowbro isn't losing out as it can't outspeed much anyways. Would you consider bartering a 5IV froakie for it? I also have 4IV females, which would really help you get a jumpstart if you ever decide to breed froakies...
  3. Snewgon

    Active A lot of pokebank pokemon and 4iv adamant ralts for sale

    I'd take it without, but a bonus is a bonus ^^
  4. Snewgon


    My name is Snewgon. I am myself. I came here because GTS forums are annoying to start out in. I'm staying because this place looks new and fun. Plz don't hurt me O.O
  5. Snewgon

    New Years Resolution

    Mine: Put off changing myself until my birthday.
  6. Snewgon

    Team XIT - Early Registration

    I want to join because Zekrom is so much cooler than Reshiram. No way I'm joining Elite... I'm new, but not to competative battling... Still suck though T.T Plz take meh! I also go on breeding campaigns from time to time, so I can throw some 4/5 iv pokes at ppl who want. Currently (still)...
  7. Snewgon

    hi ._.

    Hello. I may be interested in your junk. Only if named misdreavus though.
  8. Snewgon

    Active A lot of pokebank pokemon and 4iv adamant ralts for sale

    I have a female (rare for starters) 4IV froakie for you. Not asking much back for it - just a normal, NoIV, whatever nature glameow.
  9. Snewgon

    LF ditto friend safari

    I meant the shoutbox on the homepage, but this is fine too ^^ Mah Codez: 2337-4287-0020
  10. Snewgon

    LF ditto friend safari

    I can do that - yeah. Meet me in chat I guess? Not much of a forum guy usually.
  11. Snewgon

    LF ditto friend safari

    I don't have a safari but I have plenty of 3 IV dittos to get you started. You wouldn't happen to have a pineco missy or chikorita, by any chance?