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  1. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Team building help

    Well for my OU team I'm running Modest (Mega) Gardevoir @ Trace with Calm Mind, Heal Pulse, Psychic, and Dazzling Gleam Careful 4 IVFerrothorn @ Rocky Helmet & Iron Barbs with Power Whip (Taunt Cautious), Leech Seed, Spikes, and Thunder Wave Timid 3 IV Greninja @ Life Orb & Protean with U-Turn...
  2. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active Who is your favorite pokemon to use and your favorite overall pokemon?

    my favorite overall and favorite to use is definitely Infernape. With the focus sash, he's unstoppable.
  3. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    oki doki! i have you added already. is 4 IV the highest you have? i mean, the lotad is 5 IV
  4. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    are the riolus special or physical? if physical i'll just take a rotom
  5. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    a darumaka and phione for a lotad would work
  6. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    i have to go for the night but i can get back to you tomorrow
  7. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Team XIT - Early Registration

    yeah, it was today it's over now though
  8. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Team XIT - Early Registration

    @doulie i heard about it on Shofu's Stream. Not sure if you know about him, but that's where I heard about it
  9. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Team XIT - Early Registration

    I believe that I would be a worthy asset to the XIT team because even though I am a new member, I am going to be on the website very frequently, and I am a decent competitive player with enough experience to get the job done.
  10. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    sadly, they are random IV. I never did get a 5 IV one that i used for mass breeding
  11. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    i'll take a darumaka and a phione for one. I see you got on the XIT team too. ;)
  12. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    i could use a darumaka at the moment. Info on it?
  13. ~Digital_Convoy~

    Active 4/5 IV HA Absols & Mach Punch Timburrs (random IVs)

    the title pretty much says it all. Offers? Also have a few 5 IV Lotads