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5 iv
Active [SHOP/TRADE] Ed's 5 IV Breedjects
- Thread
- 5 iv 5 ivs buy ivs perfect pokemon pokes sell shop trade
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Buy/Sell Bred Pokémon
LF Looking for HA Mareanie and 5 IV Poke list to trade too
UPDATE: I got the Mareanie already but if you wanna trade high IVs or HA Pokes for mine let me know too! Hey guys! I'm trying so hard to get a Maeranie with HA but looks like an impossible job. I've been breeding a lot lately and I have the following Pokemon to trade for a HA Maeranie: - 5 IV...- EdXerath
- Thread
- 5 iv 5iv breed breeding hidden ability mareanie poke pokemon trade
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Active Meo's LEGIT 5-6IV Breedjects
Hello, and welcome to Meo's Breedjects! Each 'mon listed here is LEGIT (Game-Generated) with 5-6 IVs. Feel free to request a particular Pokemon, and I'll do my best to get it to you ASAP! Currently, I have leftover ROCKRUFF for sale at 60 PC each! Currently, I have leftover PICHU for sale...- Meo
- Thread
- 5 iv 5iv 6 iv 6iv affordable breeject cheap custom fast
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Buy/Sell Bred Pokémon
Active Regenerator Slowpokes for sale
I've been trying to breed a shiny competitive Slowpoke, but so far no luck. Which means I have a whole bunch of leftover Slowpoke's with 5/6 IV's, HA Regenerator and Bold natures. They're 80 credits each, leave me a message if you want one!- ContinentTurtle
- Thread
- 5 iv 6 iv regenerator slowpoke
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon