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Active 5IV Mimikyu (Adamant/Disguise) - 60 pc
Pokemon Name: Mimikyu Price: 60 pc Quantity: 3 Additional Info: 5IV Adamant, Disguise, Beast Ball, Bred In Game FC: 4098-3001-3772- Nazmi15
- Thread
- beast ball mimikyu pokemon selling pokemon
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Buy/Sell Perfect Pokémon
FT Trading my shiny Mimikyu for a shiny Beldum
My shiny Mimikyu is max level and battle ready, it's adamant nature with great stats. I hunted for the Shiny Beldum yesterday and I actually encountered it after a 204 SOS chain but I couldn't capture it before it struggled and killed itself. The Beldum line is my favorite and that is why I'm...- Robby G
- Thread
- adamant beldum lvl 100 mimikyu shiny trade
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Trade In-Game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Active Your Very Own Mimikyu Before Sun&Moon Release!
Does anyone else remember ding these as a small child? It's a papercraft! This one is of Mimikyu, and was created by MagicBunnyArt. It's recommended that you print on yellow tinted paper for better colouration. :)- Cheza
- Thread
- 2016 mimikyu papercraft perfectpokemon sun and moon
- Replies: 2
- Forum: General Chat