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Four New Alola Pokémon Revealed: Crabrawler; Stufful; Sandygast & Palossand
A new trailer on Pokè has announced four new Alola Pokèmon: - Crabrawler, the fighting type boxer crab; - Stufful, the adorable normal/fighting type pre-evolved form of Bewear; - Sandygast, the ground/ghost type spectral sandcastle; - Palossand, the larger, evolved form of Sandygast...- QuicksilverFoxx
- Thread
- crabrawler new pokemon news pollosand sandygast stufful sun and moon
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Box Legendary Details and New Features
New footage recently released brings some very interesting info forward about the box art legendaries for Pokemon Sun and Moon (as well as confirming some old information). The Sun legendary Solgaleo is a psychic/steel type (the sun legendary is weak to fire lololol....edit...- notsoclutch
- Thread
- lunala news solgaleo sun and moon team rowlett
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Active Bringing Back the Perfect Pokemon Podcast
So I know this idea has been tried a couple of times with inconsistent results, but I believe that during the build up hype phase for Pokemon Sun and Moon that the Perfect Pokemon Podcast would be a fun way to interact with the news, rumors and just general excitement that the games are...- notsoclutch
- Thread
- news perfect pokemon podcast sun and moon
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Rules and Suggestions