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6iv Eevees 25pc, 5iv Eevees 20pc (deals inside)


Youngster Joey
Pokemon Name: Eevee
Price: 25pc Each (or both for 45pc)
Quantity: 2
Additional Info: One is Quirky, the other is Docile. Both have Run Away as their ability, both male.

Pokemon Name: Eevee
Price: 20pc Each (or buy two and get one for free)
Additional Info: All have nearly perfect iv's, with the last stat being a 5 instead of a 6. Five of them have Run Away (Naive, Jolly, Brave, Quiet, Mild) one has Adaptability (Naughty).

All of them are currently unnamed, but as a thank you for buying I can nickname them on request for no added charge. Just message me with which you'd like and if you want a name change.

