Sure! Is 200 pc okay?Are you able to get this as Shiny?
Lopunny (F)
abillity: Klutz
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
If you can how much?
I can get these for you.scizor
ability: technician
EVs: 248 hp/ 8 sp def/ 252 atk
adamant nature
moves: superpower, bullet punch, u turn, and pursuit
ability: technician
EVs: 252 spe/ 252 atk/ 4 sp def
jolly nature
moves: fake out, uturn, pursuit, and taunt
Ability: big pecks
EVs: 248 hp/ 148 def, 112 spe
impish nature
moves: defog, toxic, roost, and foul play