Hey dude, how have you been?
Would I be able to get these 3?
Type of Order: CUSTOM
Pokemon: Lucario
Level: 50+
Move 1: Iron Tail
Move 2: Close Combat
Move 3: Ice Punch
Move 4: Swords Dance
Ability: Justified
Gender: Any
IV Spread : 31/31/31/31/31/31
EV Spread: 252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Nature: Adamant
Type of Order: CUSTOM
Pokemon: Gallade
Level: 50+
Move 1: Swords Dance
Move 2: Close Combat
Move 3: Fire Punch
Move 4: Psycho cut
Ability: Justified
Gender: Any
IV Spread : 31/31/31/31/31/31
EV Spread : 252 Attack/ 4 Special D/252 Speed
Nature: Jolly
Type of Order: CUSTOM
Pokemon: Espeon
Level: 50+
Move 1: Light Screen
Move 2: Reflect
Move 3: Signal Beam
Move 4: HP Electric
Ability: Magic Bounce
Gender: Any
IV Spread : 31/31/31/31/31/31
EV Spread : 252 HP/ 4 Special A/ 252 Speed
Nature: Timid