Premade/ Custom / Ultra Custom?: Custom
(If Premade) Premade Label Number?:
Shiny?(If none, then no.): Yes
Gender(If none, female.): Female
Level(If none, 100): 1
Nickname(If any):
Nature: Modest
Item: Leftovers
Form(If any): Egg (If possible)
Region(If none, USA): Canada
Ball(If none, Pokeball.): Premier (If possible)
IV Spread(If none, 6IV): All perfect except atk stat
EV Spread(If any): 252 HP, 129 Sp .Atk, 129 Sp. Def
Move1: Hyper Voice
Move2(If any): Hidden Power (Ground) <--If not possible, just put anything
Move3(If any):
Move4(If any):
OT Name(If any): Edward
OT ID/SID(If any): 21437
Other Requests:
You seem to have left out what pokemon you want.