Morning! New to the site and you seem to be the most requested and recommended individual on here for orders, so here we go. These orders are for Pokémon Omega Ruby:
(Please note that I am new to the competitive pokemon scene, so I'm unaware if the current evolution makes a difference. Eg. Will ordering a perfect Ghastly make a perfect Gengar? With that, I also don't know if I have to specify the EVs... So hopefully you can help me out regardless with what I want.)
Abra - Male
Shiney - not necessary
Ability - Magic Guard
IVs - 6IV perfect
EVs - All perfect (If possible)
Nature - Modest
Item - Left Overs
Ghastly - Male
Shiney - If possible
Ability - Levitate
IVs - 6IV perfect
EVs - All perfect (If possible)
Nature - Timid
-Destiny Bond
Sableye - Male
Shiney - If possible
Ability - Prankster
IVs - 6IV perfect
EVs - All perfect (If possible)
Nature - Brave
-Power-Up Punch
-Payback/Sucker Punch
-Poison Jab
If there is a problem with this order at all, or if I worded/scripted something wrong, please let me know.