Community Latest



Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
Welcome to the site bro and I hope you enjoy your time here. Just make sure to follow the rules and you'll get in fine.
In my personal opinion, I would go for someone like Gia or cj as despite the higher prices you will get a quality service worth your money. I also sell but have a broken ds right now so I couldn't help out.
I haven't tried ibestest but I do recommend the sellers above. Just be wary of shops that either have negative recommendations or have very low prices. The low prices could signify a lower quality product however this is not the case all the time.


Pokémon Champion
*generally, people here (aka not low price sellers)hate the low-price sellers - especially if they provide good service. I've seen that a couple times as well. There are lots of cheap sellers with quality service here though.


Pokémon Champion
Hi! Welcome to the site and thank you @WSawyer for the nice comment/mention! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to message me! :) I hope you enjoy your stay at perfect pokemon :)


Youngster Joey
Welcome @Onlyforasecond88 and thanks for the mention @WSawyer, this is definitely a great community to shop around for pokemon as there's generally more supply than demand XD. There's other cool stuff to get involved with too like the Pokemon Gyms and I think Team Wars are getting revived so give those a look! If you need any help then all of the awesome people above me ^ and myself included will be glad to help :)


Youngster Joey
This all sounds really fun. I would love to be a part of team wars soon. I just would like to build a decent team and I've watched tournament videos and everyone uses similar Pokemon. I want to come with favorites, I was ten when the first generation came to the states. I got pretty good in that outdated version, however my mom wouldn't let me travel to tournaments a state or two away. I have always wanted to battle competitively and meet a LOT of people who love Pokemon even more than me if that's possible xD

