Welcome to Perfect Pokemon's Flying Type Gym!

-This gym will follow all standard Perfect Pokemon gym challenge rules, please review the Gym Challenge Guidelines thread in this forum if you haven't already.
-Please post below to issue a challenge. Challenges will be accepted promptly.
-Defeat me to earn yourself the Feather Badge!
-Please post below to issue a challenge. Challenges will be accepted promptly.
-Defeat me to earn yourself the Feather Badge!

-Battles will take place on Wifi only, no showdown battles will be accepted. All battles will be done in ORAS, I may be able to accommodate an X/Y battle but must be pre-arranged.
-Your team must consist of only pokemon from Perfect Pokemon's OU tier and below, excluding the gym's banned pokemon.
-My availability will typically be in the evening after 6PM during the week, and will vary on weekends. I'm currently in EST.
Good Luck!
Banned Pokemon: Diancie
Kairak (08/03/16)- DC'd
JU2T1C3 (08/05/16) - Defeated
Izzie (08/08/16) - Defeated
Flexington (08/08/16)
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