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Youngster Joey
Hi there fellow Pokémon trainers, came across this forum site when researching if it was actually possible to profit from Pokémon that have been EV and IV trained and bred, rather surprised at what I found! :D

I've been playing since the old days of Yellow on my big brick, the Original handheld Gameboy and have always made a point to get a new game with each Generation, while I quickly outgrew the TV show and the cards, the handheld games have and probably will always appeal to me as they tend to be the best games on any portable console.

Wasn't until Gen 6 that I really got into the competitive side of the game, since X&Y's launch I've been able to get the hang of breeding and creating some really powerful critters, over 50 in total and I cant seam to stop myself making more, its something to do to pass the time at night before I go to sleep I guess.

Hopefully I'll fit in, maybe made some new friends, help people with strategies and maybe even sell a few of my left overs from the breeding or sell requested ones, couldn't hurt to make a little scratch on the side eh?;)

Gold 2.0

The Immortal Dragon Underdog with a Heart of Steel
Staff member
Welcome to the site! :)
I'm Dylan! Feel free to stop by the shout box from time to time and help us get to know you :)
Hope to see you around! :)


Aloof Wolf
Hey there, welcome to the site! It's always great to have new members! :D

