If possible, I would like to order the following:
Wailmer (shine) - everstone, it is for looks so level and other stats do not matter, whatever is easier will work.
Sharpedo (shiny) - everstone, it is for looks so level and other stats do not matter, whatever is easier will work.
Aegislash (shiny) - some good item for it, BR level 100 6IV.
Rayquaza (shiny) - some good item for it, BR 6IV, level 100.
Kyogre (shiny) - everstone, 6IV, level does not matter (whatever is easier for you works).
Groudon (shiny) - some good item for it, BR 6IV, level 100.
Pachirisu (shiny female) - everstone, 6IV, rest ill leave up to you
Pachirisu (non-shiny male) - everstone, 6IV, rest ill leave up to you
Thank you very much, it is always a pleasure working with you on getting Pokemon
You still don't charge enough for your great work, so I will send you some extra over asking price