Transaction complete :)
M meepbeep Youngster Joey Credits 20 May 31, 2015 #22 Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard Pokémon dratini Shiny-yes Nature- jolly IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- multiscale Pokémon pikachu Shiny- yes Nature- timid IV's- perfect Gender- male Ability (state if it's HA)- lightning rod
Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard Pokémon dratini Shiny-yes Nature- jolly IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- multiscale Pokémon pikachu Shiny- yes Nature- timid IV's- perfect Gender- male Ability (state if it's HA)- lightning rod
jamesblee7 Pokémon Champion Trusted Seller Donor Credits 20 May 31, 2015 #23 meepbeep said: Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard Pokémon dratini Shiny-yes Nature- jolly IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- multiscale Pokémon pikachu Shiny- yes Nature- timid IV's- perfect Gender- male Ability (state if it's HA)- lightning rod Click to expand... Give me an hour and it should be done EDIT: Transaction complete Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
meepbeep said: Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard Pokémon dratini Shiny-yes Nature- jolly IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- multiscale Pokémon pikachu Shiny- yes Nature- timid IV's- perfect Gender- male Ability (state if it's HA)- lightning rod Click to expand... Give me an hour and it should be done EDIT: Transaction complete
Loserr Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 2, 2015 #24 Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Eevee(female) Shiny- yes Nature- Modest IV's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Abilility- Adaptibility Pokémon-foongus Shiny-yes Nature-bold IV's-31/31/31/31/31/31/ Gender-female Ability (state if it's HA)-hidden ability regenerator Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard
Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Eevee(female) Shiny- yes Nature- Modest IV's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Abilility- Adaptibility Pokémon-foongus Shiny-yes Nature-bold IV's-31/31/31/31/31/31/ Gender-female Ability (state if it's HA)-hidden ability regenerator Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard
jamesblee7 Pokémon Champion Trusted Seller Donor Credits 20 Jun 2, 2015 #25 Loserr said: Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Eevee(female) Shiny- yes Nature- Modest IV's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Abilility- Adaptibility Pokémon-foongus Shiny-yes Nature-bold IV's-31/31/31/31/31/31/ Gender-female Ability (state if it's HA)-hidden ability regenerator Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard Click to expand... Finished EDIT: Transacton complete Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
Loserr said: Pokémon: squirtle Shiny-yes Nature-modest IV's-perfect Gender-male Ability (state if it's HA)- rain dish Eevee(female) Shiny- yes Nature- Modest IV's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Abilility- Adaptibility Pokémon-foongus Shiny-yes Nature-bold IV's-31/31/31/31/31/31/ Gender-female Ability (state if it's HA)-hidden ability regenerator Pokémon clefairy Shiny-yes Nature-calm IV's-perfect Gender- female Ability (state if it's HA)- magic guard Click to expand... Finished EDIT: Transacton complete
W Woolfeh Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 5, 2015 #26 Pokémon- Piplup Shiny- Yes Nature- Adamant IV's- Perfect Gender- Male Ability (state if it's HA)- Torrent
Pokémon- Piplup Shiny- Yes Nature- Adamant IV's- Perfect Gender- Male Ability (state if it's HA)- Torrent
jamesblee7 Pokémon Champion Trusted Seller Donor Credits 20 Jun 5, 2015 #27 Woolfeh said: Pokémon- Piplup Shiny- Yes Nature- Adamant IV's- Perfect Gender- Male Ability (state if it's HA)- Torrent Click to expand... I will start this when I get home
Woolfeh said: Pokémon- Piplup Shiny- Yes Nature- Adamant IV's- Perfect Gender- Male Ability (state if it's HA)- Torrent Click to expand... I will start this when I get home
W Woolfeh Youngster Joey Credits 20 Jun 5, 2015 #28 Alright, shoot me a message or something whenever you get a chance, Ill be at work for at least another 4 hours.
Alright, shoot me a message or something whenever you get a chance, Ill be at work for at least another 4 hours.
jamesblee7 Pokémon Champion Trusted Seller Donor Credits 20 Jun 5, 2015 #29 Woolfeh said: Alright, shoot me a message or something whenever you get a chance, Ill be at work for at least another 4 hours. Click to expand... Starting now. Should be done very shortly EDIT: Transaction Complete Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
Woolfeh said: Alright, shoot me a message or something whenever you get a chance, Ill be at work for at least another 4 hours. Click to expand... Starting now. Should be done very shortly EDIT: Transaction Complete